„Education for Black Sea” is a project implemented by Mare Nostrum NGO, financed by the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania. The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA grants 2009 –2014. The entire responsibility for the accuracy and consistency of information presented on this website is the initiators responsibility. For official information on the EEA and Norway grants visit www.eeagrants.org For official information on the NGO Fund in Romania visits www.fondong.fdsc.ro
You can find, in this section, different project and activities that took place or will take place soon, but that are not necessarily open to the public. They will be useful for you as good practice examples, for sure.
Bibicu Ioana Mirela
Date / period:
28 February, 2017
Event Description:
Expozitia organizata de elevii din ciclul primar de la Liceul Teoretic Callatis Mangalia a constituit un prilej de bucurie pentru elevii liceului şi cadre didactice deopotrivă.
Eco Mărțișorul
Submitted by Bibicu Ioana Mirela on 28 February, 2017 - 15:48Organiser(s):
Bibicu Ioana Mirela
Date / period:
28 February, 2017
Event Description:
Elevii din ciclul primar de la Liceul Teoretic ,,Callatis” din Mangalia sub îndrumarea doamnelor învățătoare au participat cu mult entuziasm la proiectul ,,Mărțișorul Ecologic”. Proiectul a constituit un prilej de bucurie pentru elevi și cadre didactice deopotrivă deoarece elevii au realizat adevărate bijuterii din materiale naturale sau reciclate iar pentru noi m cadrele didactice a fost încă un prilej de a discuta cu copiii despre importanța reciclării, a păstrării resurselor, etc. Expoziția realizată a bucurat ochii și sufletul tuturor.
Eco mărțișorul
Submitted by Bibicu Ioana Mirela on 28 February, 2017 - 15:33Organiser(s):
Liceul Teoretic ,,Callatis”Strada Rozelor 36, Mangalia 905500, România
Date / period:
28 February, 2017
Event Description:
Elevii din ciclul primar de la Liceul Teoretic ,,Callatis” din Mangalia au lucrat cu drag la realizarea mărțișoarelor ecologice. au fost ajutați, îndrumați și sprijiniți de doamnele învățătoare pentru ca împreună să ne bucurăm de venirea primăverii.
InterTrails – Interpretative Trails on the Ground – Support to the Management of Natural Protected Areas in the Black Sea Region
Submitted by admin on 8 December, 2015 - 16:51Organiser(s):
Mare Nostrum NGO (in partnership with other 4 institutions from the Black Sea, from Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldavia)
Date / period:
1 October, 2011 to 1 December, 2013
Event Description:
The aim of the project was raising awareness, understanding and raising the responsibility related to the coastal area problems, including human activity and its effects, and also enlarging the trans-border cooperation framework, regarding the protected areas management.
During this project, our organization managed to realise 4 interpretative trails in Dobrogea, trails that are named: Canaraua Fetii, Cheile Dobrogei, Allah Bair and Casian Monastery.
Education for Sustainable Development Day
Submitted by admin on 8 December, 2015 - 16:47Organiser(s):
Mare Nostrum NGO
Date / period:
20 October, 2011 to 20 October, 2013
Event Description:
In total, there were 4 editions of this event and almost 200 teachers participated. The workshops had as main purpose providing non-formal education methods as instruments for making more dynamic and modern activities, providing good practice examples, and also remembering and strengthen the existent knowledge about different methods.
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